Sean Min
Memory Habit
Memory Habit, the play written and directed by John Wells Directing Fellow Eben Joondeph Hoffer, was certainly unlike any other play that I had attended in the past. I had, likely unrealistically, expected a big-budget production like Into the Woods — which I reviewed last week — but Memory Habit, as a thesis production, had a far lower budget. With that said, I admired how well *Memory Habi...
Pillbox | March 2, 2020 -
Into the Woods
Into the Woods was only the second play I’ve seen in person and the first play I’ve seen here at Carnegie Mellon. As you’d expect from a production from the School of Drama, the acting, singing, and productions values were all far superior to the one high-school-level play that my whole high school was forced to watch. My high school’s rendition of Ragtime was certainly engaging in its own rig...
Pillbox | February 24, 2020 -
Improving meme accessibility for vision-impaired users
People suffering from visual impairments rely on screen reader software to use social media. However, current screen reader software is insufficient for those with visual impairments to read some online content, such as memes. Many memes don’t include alternate (alt) text, text which informs readers of what the image is depicting.
SciTech | February 24, 2020 -
Neural nets analyze gene expression
Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have used a common deep learning method used for facial recognition and other image-based applications, and applied it to learn more about gene relationships. The scientists represented large quantities of gene expression data in a graphical form that can be analyzed by convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs are excellent at analyzing visual im...
SciTech | February 17, 2020 -
Red meat linked to heart disease risk
A study conducted by Northwestern Medicine and Cornell University demonstrated that there is a connection between the consumption of processed red meat and heart disease. The research contradicts a controversial study from last fall that claimed there is no need to cut red meat from the diet.
SciTech | February 10, 2020