
Sonic wave thing occurs, campus glass shatters

The administration declined to comment.

University police declined to comment.

Student Life declined to comment.

Student Activities declined to comment.

IFC declined to comment.

JFC declined to comment.

KFC declined to comment.

Gina Casalegno was unavailable for comment.

Michael Murphy declined to comment.

President Cohon was out of the country on official and important business and could not be reached.

The security guard who hangs out outside the UC refused comment.

A guy in the Warner Hall lobby gave us a strange look.

We spoke with several professors, but they were unable to stay on topic and discussed their research.

The bus driver who drove me home refused to say anything at all.

I walked into a classroom in the Gates helix and people just still sat there.

We sat around in the Tartan office and asked each other to comment, but couldn’t come up with anything.

No one speaks.